Petal - Carved Rug

Check out one of our most popular hand loom designs, the carved Petal design. Woven in pure wool then hand cut and carved in three pile heights creating a sumptuously luxurious feel.

Zurich - Round Rug

Our Zurich rug in Beige Rust shown here as a circular rug. Hand knotted in wool and silk, we can produce Zurich in any size or colour. 

Nepal - Hand Carving

Amazing to see such accuracy and skill in carving this design development sample for a new hand carved rug to add to the collection. 

Vine Rug - Carved

Detail of our handloom Vines rug. The rug is first hand woven in wool and the design is then cut and carved out in different pile heights creating a beautifully sumptuous texture. Shown here in undyed, unbleached natural colour. Looking forward to seeing these in production when we visit Nepal.

Crackle Rug - Carved

Detail of Crackle from our handloom carved collection. A simple design but so much work goes into cutting and carving every detail by hand. The different pile heights used to create the design result in a sumptuously textural rug.

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